The RESOLVE Community Presents...

Physical Performance Self-Devaluation
This product is the Physical Performance Self-Devaluation Suite, covering the causes of and solutions to Conflicts affecting the limbs of the upper and lower body.

If you have issues in the joints of either the arms or the legs and are looking for practical solutions to the possible psychological root causes of these issues from the German New Medicine perspective…
This is the course for you!
The Performance Self-Devaluation Conflicts affecting the upper body include:
Having something “slip away from you”…
Feeling that something you want or need is “out of your grasp”…
Failing or experiencing a decline in performance in work or play/recreation involving the hands…

For many people, the foundation of their self-concept involves their ability to work, create, perform, or play using their hands.
Such people often have a very difficult time accepting and moving on from poor performances…
And this inability to lead to Conflicts and tissue adaptions which can be painful while also leading to further decreases in performance and therefore additional Conflicts, etc.

To help deal with these and other challenges, in these Modules you will learn strategies for:
How to build a more resourceful relationship to time and change…
How to judge your work, your creations, and your performances in ways that help you feel more at peace and at ease while also helping you to get better at the things you care about…
How to respond to criticism and negative feedback…
How to develop “emotional immunity” so that the way you feel when you feel bad doesn’t cause you to think and act in ways that give you more things to feel bad about…
How to create new, more empowering and more freeing experiences of making (and of having made) mistakes…
How to handle screwing up and “dropping the ball”…
How to build new, more enriching relationships to the past, the present, and the future…
How to cope with desiring to be near to someone when this isn’t possible…
How to free yourself from the nagging worry that there is something wrong with you…
And more!

As for the lower body, you’ll learn new ways of thinking that will free you from Conflicts related to:
Feeling unable to keep up with continuous demands…
How to deal more resourcefully and more peacefully with whatever is currently on your plate…
How to pull the plug on overwhelm so that you can be calm, peaceful, and happy now, not when things finally “calm down”…
You’ll also learn how to navigate experiences of burnout and feeling as if life is demanding endless self-sacrifice from you…
How to free yourself from the feeling that you’re never doing “enough”…
And how you can feel totally at peace and at ease…
Even in “high pressure” situations.

You’ll also learn how you can identify if you’re addicting to taking on more than you can handle…
And how you can address the underlying causes of this addiction and live a freer, happier, more peaceful life.
Additionally, you’ll learn specific mental strategies for how to handle situations in which you have performed poorly…
So that you feel better about what has happened and are ready to do better next time.
You’ll also learn specific mental strategies for effectively resolving and preventing Conflicts related to:
Feeling clumsy (literally or metaphorically)…
Feeling as if there is something wrong (aesthetically or functionally) with your legs…
Harsh criticism from mean coaches, bosses, authority figures, etc…
Dealing with unfulfilled or unfulfillable urges to “stomp, kick, or crush” someone or something…
Wanting to leave or run away (literally or metaphorically) from a bad situation.
If you have unexplained pain in you arms and legs and are interesting in learning the German New Medicine perspective on what may be causing these issues…
Or if you identify with one or more of the Conflict themes described here…
Or if you’re a coach interested in learning new strategies to help your clients deal more effectively with these and other performance-related Conflicts…
Then the Physical Performance Self-Devaluation Suite is for you!