The Resolve Library Master Pass is your key to unlimited access to the entire Resolve Library.

Master Pass Holders have access to literally YEARS worth of strategies and perspective and experience shifting ideas for Conflict resolution, personal development, and spiritual growth.
Although these courses provide you with powerful and practical approaches to resolving the Biological Conflicts identified in German New Medicine...
The value and application of what you’ll learn as a Master Pass holder extends far beyond resolving Conflicts and navigating the challenges of healing.
The ideas you’ll encounter in your journey with these courses...
Along with the experiences you’ll create by “downloading” them onto the operating system of your mind...
Will allow you to engage in a more resourceful, enjoyable, enriching, fulfilling, and successful way with every area of your life and every aspect of What It’s Like To Be You.
If you’re interested in a comprehensive approach to resolving your own Conflicts by growing to understand yourself better, the Master Pass is for you.
If you want to make yourself less susceptible to experiences Conflicts in the future, the Master Pass is for you.
If you’re a health coach or therapist looking for powerful new experiential technologies to help your clients faster, more reliably, and more profoundly...
The Master Pass is definitely for you.
We’ve spent years successfully dealing with and deconstructing our own “stuff” and helping countless clients do the same...
So everything you’ll learn in the Resolve Library has passed testing in the real world of real human experiences over and over again.
If you’re ready to take conscious control over your mental, emotional, and physical health...
And if you’re prepared to make expanding your Awareness and improving your experience a part of your daily life...
We created the Master Pass with you in mind.
Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you were able to clear away all the baggage, junk, and “stuff” that’s stuck in your heart and mind that keeps you from fully expressing and enjoying yourself and really “going for it”?
What would you do if you had the ability to identify and let go of old patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that didn’t serve you?
How free would you be if you could dissolve past traumas, let go of hurts and grievances and insecurities, and grow out of the habits that are holding you back?
If you’ve ever wondered about the answer to these or similar questions...
And if you’re ready to find out what those answers are...
The Master Pass was created with you in mind.
Why not join today and finally start showing yourself and the world what you’re really capable of?

You Get Access to All of these Courses with the Resolve Master Pass

Click on each course to learn more about it.

6 New Courses Just Added!

  • Resolving Separation Conflicts
  • Resolving Physical Performance Upper Body Self-Devaluations
  • Resolving Physical Performance Lower Body Self-Devaluations
  • Resolving Resistance and Fear/Disgust Conflicts
  • Nest Worry and Separation Conflicts
  • Resolving Can't Swallow Conflicts

Resolve Member Testimonials

""I was introduced to GNM five years ago and after attending three seminars over three weekends I was left confused, scared, and with more questions than before.Ā  For a year I immersed myself in theĀ learninggnm.comĀ website and became a bit more confident in my level of understanding GNM.Ā  At the end of that year I took another course with Ilsedora Laker and while my knowledge and understanding of GNM has deepened every time, I was left with a big question: How do I put it into practice for myself and my clients? ā€Ø Then I came across Dr. Melissa Sell and her FB page German New Medicine Self-Healing Support Group! That changed everything for me!!! I finally got it! Her way of explaining the science of GNM in easy and logical ways to understand it made all the difference. One FB page led to another and I was introduced to the RESOLVE Community Page.Ā  Once there it was a no-brainer that I wanted to join their website! As a founding member I have had the privilege to have access to all of the coursesĀ Ā Melissa and her partner Steven have put together, to go over them at my own pace, to watch their videos live and rewatch them as many time as I need it.Ā  Their ways of resolving conflicts has resonated with me from the beginning and as I started applying them I can attest that they have been life changing! Thank you Melissa and Steven for mentoring me through the RESOLVE Program and for bringing awareness and educating us about ā€œwhat is like to be meā€.Ā Ā  Looking forward to growingĀ Ā together!" "

Bea W.

"ā€œI have subscribed to the Resolve community/course since its foundation. I totally adhere to GNMĀ  and love the way Melissa and Steve bring it to the world, alive and with confidence, that with understanding our biology, we are more equipped to support ourselves. I love the education videos, the Q&As, the solution orientated mindsets, let alone the 5 day challenges and many additional tools like meditations. They communicate in different ways, clear concepts, relevant themes in a dynamic and compassionate manner.Ā  They are also an example of how this knowledge offers leverage in their own lives. I totally recommend Resolve!ā€"

Fabienne B.

"I consider myself quite blessed to have encountered Drs. Melissa Sell and Steven Ravnstag and their collective education, experience and wisdom. Their teachings are paradigm-shifting, and have taught me that I am completely responsible for my experience in life, and also that my body is not something that behaves in a manner that is unpredictable or out of my control according to German New Medicine. I have really learned to pause and observe my actions and reactions to things and analyze them within the larger experience of what it is like to be me. If it is not contributing in a positive manner, I can change the behavior in order to improve this. Their program provides specific examples conflicts as well as of tools to resolve these. Their videos provide excellent real life examples and analogies that assist in providing expanded insight and understanding of the concepts they are teaching. They are also willing and available to assist and answer any questions I might have. The ultimate outcome of embracing and applying their concepts and the understanding of German New Medicine is self empowerment and an increased quality of life. I highly respect and recommend them and their programs, and I would (and do!) highly recommend their programs to my friends and family."

Kim P.
Medical Legal Consultant

"Working with the RESOLVE curriculum is helping me find equanimity with a major lifelong conflict, as well as other conflicts Iā€™ve been stuck on. Iā€™m becoming aware of, and more comfortable with, choices I didnā€™t see before. Iā€™m having lots of new insights, and shifting my perspective on my life. While I know that I still have a long way to go, I am feeling better emotionally and physically. When I had a private session with Melissa, she spent extra time on the phone with me, and took all the time I needed to have clarity on the findings and recommendations. I also really appreciated Steve caring enough to take the time to give me a very thorough and thoughtful answer, when I had a question. After hearing Steve say, repeatedly, that when you have awareness of doing something thatā€™s not serving you, you will stop doing it, I realized that I have been doing lots of things that are actually extremely harmful to me, because I was convinced that I was obligated to help abusive, yet needy family members, and to put their needs before my own. I now give myself permission to put my own needs first, and to not do things that are harmful to me, when I have the awareness to do so. Since there are so many videos, and not so much time, Iā€™ve been listening while Iā€™m cooking, doing chores, etc. Iā€™m looking forward to getting the mp3 files, so I can listen while Iā€™m driving. Listening to Melissa and Steveā€™s videos on a regular basis is helping me shift my mindset, which is improving my thought processes, and I know that the quality of my thoughts affect the quality of my life. "

Emilie N.

""I discovered the work of Steve and Melissa when I was in the midst of a few years of seeing doctor after doctor for various health struggles, specifically depression. I was living in fear of sickness, past emotional experiences, and felt out of control of my body and my life. I worked one on one with Melissa, who opened my eyes on how my symptoms were connected to patterns of thinking and how I experienced myself and the situations around me that I had previously felt a victim of. I then enrolled in Resolve and began diving deeper into the information, which applied to so many areas of my life. Today, I no longer live in fear of illness/sickness/symptoms, and can take time to draw connections with my symptoms and conflicts. Earlier this summer, my husband and I both got a terrible rash at the same time, and instead of freaking out about it, I made connections between the timing of the rash and a conflict we had resolved, and realized the rash was a healing symptom of our relationship issue resolving! I never thought I'd be grateful for a rash, but it made me excited to see visible evidence of how amazing my body and mind were. And then things like simple colds, muscle pain and headaches, are easier to understand in the context of the Resolve information. My depression is completely gone, I feel so much more free and in charge of my experience, and I've grown so much as a person as I've been able to see and take responsibility for my own thoughts and actions. Very grateful for this community and eager to keep diving in.""

Leah R.

"I was exposed to the term GNM a couple years ago on a practitioner Facebook page. I finally asked someone what it was and of course started researching it. I was immediately fascinated with the concept because it made so much sense. In my research I came across Melissaā€˜s early videos and watched them all. I was kind of amazed that there wasnā€™t more data available on the concept and through following Melissa and Steve learned most of what I know now. They are amassing a very useful body of work. One of the things that sets them apart from others is their willingness to communicate their knowledge with the general public through their videos and Facebook pages. It is eminently useful to be able to ask a question anytime you need to and actually get an answer. Their behavioral work has started me on a journey of growth and self evaluation that I have been wanting to do for years. The largest drawback with GNM is no treatment protocol other than resolving the conflict which is sometimes very difficult. Melissa and Steveā€™s approach to awareness and behavioral changes provide an excellent tool to aid in resolving these conflicts. It is rare for anyone to hold my interest for over two years. I look forward to their continued work in this area."

Georgiana V.

"After coming to basic understanding of GNM via Dr. Melissa Sell and other practitioners, I realized that knowing the cause of my health concerns was only one part of the equation; healing and not having constant reoccurrence was another. When Dr. Melissa and Steve offered up their RESOLVE program I decided to try it. Best decision EVER! They give structured explanations of the entire process from why this happened, what happened, what to expect as you process or get stuck, what sort of conditioning and thinking led you here and most importantly - how to change your mindset to live a far healthier future via awareness. Itā€™s like having a team of personal coaches walk beside you as you journey back to wholeness and health. Their videos, workbooks and notes are detailed, effective and actually quite fun. Find the module that covers your ailment and dig in. You still have to do the work and if you value wellness, (who doesnā€™t) you will be now be equipped to the fullest. Being our own health advocates is necessary these days and avoidance of poor health is far more valuable than recovery. RESOLVE is the perfect pathway to self preservation. You will be equipped to assist friends and family as well. Fear can be calmed or eradicated when you have the right knowledge and guidance, This is that. It is the A-Z of health. As an added bonus, Steve and Melissa make the modules fun with their relatable personalities, straight talk, plenty of great examples and metaphors. They leave no stone unturned in the quest for clarity. I am beyond delighted to have let my curiosity and desperation lead me to RESOLVE. I will never again fear that my body is malfunctioning or turning on me; only my own unhelpful thinking. Through these modalities I have been shown the direct connection between how the workings of my own mind led me down the path to very specific illnesses. Has my own health improved directly because of this program? Absolutely yes. After many years of suffering chronic sinus problems and accompanying headaches, I was finally able to dig in to why it occurred, what I was concluding and how to change my mindset to a better track. Colds and flu seem to be a thing of the past along with the sinus problem. RESOLVE is a very worthy, life changing investment."

Sally N.

"I just wanted to reach out & share a quick recap of my life since I started your Resolve program about a year ago: The program content was so unique & insightful, & when I reached out having a (at the time, typical) crisis, you guys got right back to me & helped me through it in record time. I had been suffering from severe allergies for nearly fifteen years. I was on a severely restricted diet, & unable to be around so many substances that I was effectively calling in sick to work once a week. I was spending days on end laid out on the sofa, suffering from severe pain & muscle contractions due to my reactions. I had been to specialist after specialist with only ever minimal progress, & an inevitable & even more disheartening backslide shortly after. In my early thirties, permanent disability already was looking like my only viable option for the future. Basically, life sucked, & I didn't even understand on how may levels that was true. Then I found you! Your free content on YouTube had me convinced & seeing results within days. Then the sudden loss of a close friend, & the predictable health crisis that followed, convinced my to buy into your Resolve Master Pass. Three months into the program, I was cured, full stop--I could have literally eaten a bag of bleached flour while sitting in a un-ventilated room covered in fresh high-VOC paint. In so short a time, the defining characteristic of my life--my precious, annoying collection of allergies & ailments--was no longer. I often comment to anyone interested in listening that I would not have recognized my own brain from the one I was operating with only a year ago. I am now able, in real time, to observe & replace negative thought patterns--thought patterns that had once been so invasive & caused me constant stress, anger, & shame. The fog that had kept me from seeing the true nature of all of my close relationships was removed, & I am now able to interact with others in my life in a way that is actually appropriate to situation at hand, & not just a rehashing of old programing. I was able to take a step back & examine my entire life's guiding philosophy. Now my beliefs actually make sense, & the crazy-making programming of my younger years just seems like a silly cardboard cutout on a creepy old carnival ride that I would never even think of taking. In short, you changed my life. I am a happier, healthier, chiller human being than I ever even thought possible. And it's only been a year. Resolve is truly revolutionary, & I thank you both for putting in all of the tremendous work I'm sure it took to make this new life possible for a hapless, in-her-head, & chronic case like myself. I wish you both all the best, & I look forward to seeing all that you bring into the world in the future. "


Purchase the RESOLVE Master Pass Today and Dive in!