It isn’t a magical cure for the issues and difficulties that can arise between two people who are living together...
It isn’t an instructional manual or to-do list from people who think they’ve got it all figured out...
It isn’t a list of the “right way” to act in a relationship or a collection of things that we think you (and everybody else) “should” do.
This course is a new understanding of what most relationship problems are actually made of...
And a collection of practical ideas, techniques, and strategies that we have found very useful for addressing the hitches, catches, potholes, and challenges that can arise when imperfect people are doing their best to get better as individuals...together.
This is a way of thinking and acting (and thinking about thinking and acting) that serves to simultaneously cultivate more independence within each individual in a relationship while also allowing for more intimacy between those individuals.
What you’ll learn doesn’t just apply to your romantic relationships, either...
We’ll also explore practical solutions to the most common problems that arise between:
- Mothers and their Children.
- Children and their Parents.
- You and your Friend Group, Professional, and Social Circles.