In this program you will learn powerful principles and strategies that will allow you to resolve “Separation” type Conflicts.
These Conflicts are related to experiences of:
Separation type Conflicts are some of the most basic and powerful emotional-biological disturbances that a human being can experience.
Touch is our most basic sense…
And it is upon touch that every other sense we have is based.
The desire to feel more of a certain type of touch…
As well as the desire to get away from unwanted contact of some kind…
Hits very close to home biologically speaking.
Wanted touch is a literal nutrient that our nervous system requires in order to function optimally…
And, in extreme cases, a lack of necessary touch can have negative consequences on our physical health which mirror those of being deficient in any other required nutrient.
Touch is to your brain and spinal cord what food is to your digestive system…
And, just like your digestive system, your brain needs the right amount of the right kinds of touch…
As well as not too much of the wrong/unwanted kinds of touch…
In order to thrive and express its full potential.
This is both why Separation Conflicts are so common as well as why it is so useful and important to have effective strategies for avoiding and/or resolving these Conflicts when they occur.
In this course, you will learn how to identify and resolve whatever Separation Conflicts you may have…
As well as how you can guide your experience of the symptoms of a Separation Conflict so as to avoid getting stuck in a self-perpetuating loop.
You’ll also learn what to do if you can’t remember the situation that caused your Conflict and/or what exactly you wanted to touch, be touched by, or get away from.
This course will also show you practical approaches to dealing with the many and varied life situations that can give rise to a Separation Conflict.
You’ll learn about “strokes” and how our relationship to human touch…
Including whether we’re allowed to ask for touches that we want as well as to decline those that we don’t want…
Is an essential skill for maximum psychological and biological wellbeing.
You’ll learn strategies for coping in those situations in which it is not practical or possible to replace a desired touch that is missing…
As well as how you can train your neurology to break habitual patterns of reacting to certain touches which aren’t serving you.
Enroll now and start using the tools in the course right away!