Unlike your other senses, smell bypasses the “thinking brain” and goes straight to the “feeling brain.”
That’s why smell can be so powerfully evocative...
And and what situations that stink (either literally or figuratively) can have such a powerful emotional and even physical effect upon you.
To understand the power that smell has over your experience, think about the difference between seeing an image of an extremely stinky scene...
And actually walking into one in reality.
A picture maybe worth a thousand words...
But a smell is word a million.
It something to see a picture of rotten food...
It’s quite another to get a nose full of it.
Sometimes in life things happen that bypass our normal processing strategies and go straight to the emotional heart of the matter.
Haven’t you ever accidentally deeply inhaled an absolutely disgusting odor?
Doesn’t it hit closer to home than even the most shocking image or sound?
And haven’t you ever experienced something in your life that “stunk” in a less literal way...
But that was similarly upsetting?
This Module is going to teach you how to deal with THAT.