The Ever Better Life Course

The Ever Better Life Course 

The Ever Better Life Course is the Gold Standard of mind and life mastery. 

In it, you will discover a systematic framework for understanding, relating to, organizing, and consciously improving every aspect of What It Is Like To Be You.

This course is loaded with MONTHS worth of life-changing content…

It isn’t one of those fluff-filled courses that repackages the same old personal growth cliches and stretches out a few pages worth of material into a bloated mass of gobbledygook in an attempt to justify its price…

This is a hearty, hefty, legitimate life-changing system for conscious creation that I have poured my heart and mind and spirit into in order to help you connect to your inner resources to create whatever your heart desires in this life.

You’re getting my own personal blueprint for living a life well lived.

This isn’t some stuff I made up to teach you…

It is actually what I use on a daily basis to create the experiences and results I want in my life…

And what I use to help people just like you do the same.

Literally, everyone who takes this course loves it and reports amazing results because this stuff works.

It works because it isn’t an artificial, theoretical system I whipped up to sound good and sell well…

It’s a pattern-level, systematic approach to equipping you with the knowledge and skills to respond to the life you have, to “what is”, in ways that create the life you want, to “what can be”.

This course is a step-by-step guide to unraveling realities you don’t like and weaving together realities that you do.

Whatever is going on in your life, whatever is there that you don’t want, and whatever isn’t there that you do want…

NONE of it is “just happening”.

It is ALL coming from you, from your consciousness, your Self-Concept, and from the patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that flow forth from it.

Once you understand this in theory and recognize how it operates in experience, there will be nothing that you cannot do.

  • Complete access to the Ever Better Life Course, the ultimate Operating System Upgrade for mind and life mastery.
  • 10 Modules packed with powerful, transformational patterns for organizing and optimizing every aspect of What It Is Like To Be You.
  • 7.5 hours of detailed video trainings.
  • 195 pages of in-depth notes.
  • 106 pages of guided implementation exercises

Ever Better Life Course Syllabus

Here's an Overview of How We'll Improve What It's Like To Be You:


  • The 7-Step Cycle you MUST master in order to Consciously and Intentionally create feelings, behaviors, and results that defy all limitations and exceed  all expectations.
  • Learn how to upgrade your Mental Operating System.
  • Discover how true and complete Self-Competence is the secret to Self-Confidence, and how Self-Confidence is the Master Key that will unlock the doors that lead to What You Want.
  • Learn the difference between Destructive Discontent with what you have and a Determined Desire to have, do, and be Better.
  • Rewire your brain and reprogram your Unconscious Mind to put creating the life you want on Optimized Autopilot.


  • Discover why putting your Focus First is the quickest, easiest, and only way to reliably create the life you want!
  • See how the Focus of your Conscious Mind is the Life Experiential Epicenter from which everything else about you life flows.
  • Learn why Mental Money is the single mot valuable resource you have, and discover how investing it wisely will allow you you create a life most people only dream of.
  • Thoughts are Things! Learn the deeper meaning of this truth and discover effective strategies for making each and every one of your 70,000 daily thoughts work for you instead of against you.


  • Learn how to program your Focus in a way that inputs the coordinates of What You Want into the Manifestation Machine of your Unconscious Mind.   
  • Learn about the two key aspects of Focus Mastery, and learn to coordinate them to produce a Perceptual/Mental/Emotional synergy which will turn you into the person you want to be.
  • Discover a comprehensive system for organizing, understanding, and resourcefully responding to What It Is Like To Be You that creates profound and permanent improvements in the quality and character of your experience as a Conscious Being.


  • Every External Effect has an Internal Cause! Learn to control these causes and you can produce any change in your Behavior that you desire or require!
  • Learn to spot the three elements of a Behavior and remember this simple formula that will make self-discipline obsolete and banish unresourceful Behavior from your life forever!
  • Learn an easy fix for those days when you “just aren’t feeling it” and be able to create all the motivation you need on demand!
  • Stop feeling guilty about "bad" Behavior and learn an easy approach to eliminating them from your life!


  • Get aquatinted with Success Principles to effortlessly excel in the “Success 101” areas of life (finances, health, relationships, etc.).
  • Discover the unseen forces which have caused you to attract and be attracted to the People, Situations, and Circumstances which make up your life, and learn how to use them to transform the Life You Have into the Life You Want.


  • Learn how you can intentionally cultivate an empowering Perception of What Is as a strategy for creating What Can Be.
  • Discover how Cognitive Filters shape your Perception and how Conscious Filtering is the gateway to The Practical Magic of Perceptual Alchemy.
  • Learn the strengths and weakness of the Conscious Mind, and how you can Focus the beam of your Conscious Awareness in directions that will serve you best.  
  • Learn about five of your most powerful Cognitive Filters, become Aware of the role they play in generating your Perception, and start Consciously Choosing the quality and character of the worldview with which you present yourself.


  • Ride the wave of Self-Mastery from Intellectual Understanding to Experiential Awareness and discover the Relaxed Power of A Mind Like Water.
  • Understand and optimize the intimate relationship between the physical structure of your brain, the dynamic activity we call “mind”, and the Life Experience that is produced as a result of the interplay between the two.  
  • Learn how changing your thinking changes your mind, how changing your mind changes your brain, and how changing your brain will change your life!
  • Become deliberate in leveraging the Principle of Neuroplasticity to teach an old dog new some impressive new Life Experience tricks.  


  • “Make haste slowly” and allow your journey of self-discovery, self-mastery, and self-unfoldment to unfold in a natural, organic, sustainable way that’s right for you.
  • Learn the relationship between physical and mental exercise and develop a customized training regimen to get your brain ready for the Life Experience triathlon of living the Ever Better Life. 
  • Discover the power of Conscious Intentionality, and learn how this amazing force may be the missing ingredient you need to start living the life you deserve today.


  • Unlock the Four Treasures of Conscious Living:  
  •  1) Complete Mastery of the quality, intensity, and duration of your Internal Experiences
  •  2) Unlimited Access to the Storehouse of Your Unique Personal Genius
  •  3) Access the Reality-Molding Power of Perceptual Alchemy 
  •  4) Learn how to activate the magnetic force of your mind to attract the things you want by becoming the version of your who has them.


  • Access and harness the incredible power within the relationship between Awareness, Personal Responsibility, and Conscious Choice. [This alone is worth the price of the entire course!!!]
  • Begin to explore, likely for the first time in your life, the full depth and breadth of your mind’s internal resources and creative power.  
  • Learn incantations for growth and potential that, when practiced, will make you a master of your mind, your life, and your world.



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