This is the “big picture” overview Module that gives you a clear understanding of what Self-Devaluations are made of and how your own unique patterns of perceiving and experiencing yourself, the world, and other people determines whether and to what extent a given life situation you encounter will result in you having a Self-Devaluation Conflict.
This Module is incredibly extensive and contains:
- More than 2.5 hours of transformational video content...
- A fluff-free, content-rich 73 page notepack that dives deeper into the material covered in the videos as well as covering a number of unique subjects...
- A powerful 28 page implementation guide that helps you tie all the material together...
- And an incredible 12 minute guided meditation audio file that helps you integrate the ideas and insights you’ll learn about at a deep, subconscious level.
By exposing the different aspects of your mind to these conflict resolving, life changing, experience enhancing mental and emotional technologies in all of these unique sensory formats, you increase your deep comprehension of them and help to ensure that the new understandings you form will translate and express themselves into new, more resourceful behaviors at every level of your life experience.