Resolve Refresh: Indigestible Morsel Conflicts

This month we are doing a Resolve Refresh class for the conflict theme of Indigestible Morsel Conflicts. 

If you struggle with issues like gas, bloating, IBS, polyps, diverticulitis, constipation, or other digestive complaints this is the class for you. 

We will be exploring the emotional themes of resistance, deprivation/lack, anger, acceptance, assimilation, and forgiveness.

In the first half of class we will be sharing our latest insights about indigestible morsel conflicts and then we will open up the second half of class for questions and group coaching.

You can join just for the live class or you can purchase a bundle that includes the live class AND the Resolving Indigestible Morsel Conflicts course. 

If you have previously purchased the Resolving Indigestible Morsel course send an email to [email protected] with the email you enrolled with and we will send you a discount link to join the live class. 

We hope to see you there!

Resolve Refresh: Indigestible Morsel Conflicts will meet live on zoom Thursday, May 30th 4-7pm PT

The replay will be available for 30 days after the class


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