Enrollment Closed- Get on the Waiting List

We are so excited that you are interested in joining us for the summer class of Awareness School!

Class runs from July 29th through September 30th and meets every Monday at 4pm PDT.

Meetings will be 2-3 hours long.

Live class attendance is very important and if you need to miss more than 3 meetings we recommend waiting to join another class. 

We hope to see your face on zoom soon! 

🧡 Steve & Melissa

 Are you ready to take a deep dive into understanding how your mind works?

The next class Awareness School is the perfect opportunity for you to do just that! 

Through 10 weeks of intense learning and exploration, you will gain a greater understanding of the inner workings of your mind and how to use it to your advantage.

You will learn how to recognize and manage your thoughts and feelings, how to use Awareness to stay present and focused, and how to activate your hidden super power to create positive changes in your life.

You will also learn how to use the power of your mind to create the life you want and to become the ever better version of yourself.

This course is designed to help you become more aware of yourself and how you experience the world around you.

You will gain the skills and knowledge to create a life full of whatever you desire more of!

You will also gain the confidence of understanding where all your unresourceful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are really coming from.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how you perceive the world around you.

Sign up for the upcoming Class of Awareness School today and start your journey to self-discovery.

Awareness School is a 10 week group coaching + Ever Better Life Course personal growth power-pack that’s designed to make taking charge of your mind and learning how to live your life on purpose faster, easier, and more fun than ever.


Scroll down  this page to hear from people who have taken Awareness School to learn more about what you can expect.  

The purpose of Awareness School is to provide you with the tools, skills, and perspectives you need to start making real, positive, permanent changes in your life…

While also keeping you plugged into the process with weekly group coaching sessions that help keep you motivated, engaged, excited about and focused on what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and what comes next.

Awareness School Students Share Their Experience...


There are a couple of main obstacles that people usually encounter after investing in some kind of spiritual growth program...

Awareness School is designed to make overcoming each of these obstacles as easy as possible.

Have you ever bought a book, a program, or an online course…

Gotten really excited about what it was going to do for you…

And then, somewhere along the way, you just kind of wandered off course, stopped reading, forgot to do the work, etc?

We’ve done that, too!

The Ever Better Life Course is packed with tons of incredibly powerful material…

So much, in fact, that it can be overwhelming knowing where to start, how to make your way through it, etc.

Another problem that people sometimes encounter when studying personal growth concepts is that, although they may agree with and understand the principles...

It isn't always exactly obvious how those principles apply to your specific life situations.

In Awareness School, you'll have the opportunity to learn exactly how the principles from EBLC can be applied to every day, real life situations...


And you’ll get to ask us any questions that come up for you along the way… While also getting to learn from the questions and challenges shared by others.

So, what exactly does Awareness School consist of?


  • Lifetime access to the massive Ever Better Life Course…

  • A 10 Module online study in the fundamental principles of mind mastery. 

    It is the fast track to improving What It’s Like To Be You… And it’s the course for taking your mind and your life off of autopilot so that you can finally begin to consciously and intentionally create the experiences and results that you want in life. 

     You can find out more of what it’s the Ever Better Life Course HERE


In addition to lifetime access to this powerful material…

  • You’ll also get 10 weeks of intensive group coaching in which Melissa and I will be doing deep dives into the course material and sharing with you our latest insights into how to really put this material to work in your life in incredibly transformational ways.

Teaching you the mental mechanics of applying these tools in the moment to moment reality of your life is what these meetings is all about.

You’ll also have the ability to email us directly with questions that you’d like to have covered in the group…

As well as an opportunity to work with us in real time, asking new questions and sharing new insights as they arise.

Not only will we guide you through the Ever Better Life Course

We’ll also craft our presentation of the material to match your present level of understanding, your personal history, and your current circumstances in order to engineer the kinds of “ah-ha!” moments that can otherwise sometimes take years to occur.

Understanding is something that already exists within you…

And you already have all of the internal resources you need to solve the problems and meet the challenges that you’re facing in life.

The trick is to figure out how to access and activate these resources…

And each person’s mind is like a safe that opens in response to a different combination.

Awareness School is about taking our unique skillset and personal experience and combining it with your unique mind to find that combination, unlock the safe, and let the best version of yourself out into your world.

To get the most out of  Awareness School,
you must be willing to: 


To do the work of changing…

To allow the changes to take place within you…

To deal with the challenges the creating these changes give rise to in your life.  


We want to be totally honest and upfront with you:

This work is not for everybody.

This isn’t “pretend personal growth”…


This is the real thing.


If you want an above-average quality of life…

You have to be willing to perform at an above-average level in those areas that determine what the quality of your life will be.

Awareness School will teach you how to do that.

This will require some sacrifices on your part, however... 


The the investment of time and money required to enroll is the least of those sacrifices.


You will also very likely have to let go of a lot about your current concept of yourself…


And a lot of your understand of yourself, other people, and the world…


In order to become the version of yourself that you really want to be.


These things often function like anchors that bind you to your present level of thought, feeling, behaviour, results, and experience…


And no one can force you to release these anchors if you are not willing to.

If you're ready for change, though... Change is ready for you... And so are we.


Thank you for caring enough about yourself and about What It’s Like To Be You to have read this far…

And we hope to see you in school!



Steve and Melissa

Enrollment Closed

Get On the Waiting List